Go through the enVision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answer Key Topic 3 Numbers 6 to 10 regularly and improve your accuracy in solving questions.
Envision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answers Key Topic 3 Numbers 6 to 10
Essential Question: How can numbers from 6 to 10 be counted, read, and written?
envision STEM Project: Types of Weather
Directions Read the character speech bubbles to students. Find Out! Have students discuss different types of weather they have experienced. Say: Talk to friends and relatives about weather. Ask which types of weather they have seen. Journal: Make a Poster Have students make a poster. Have them draw 10 pictures to represent good and bad weather they have experienced. Ask them to sort their pictures into two groups that show types of weather they enjoy and types they do not enjoy. Have students count how many are in each group and write the numbers.
Review What You Know
Question 1.
I circled the group that is greater in number than the other.3 is greater than 2.
Question 2.
I marked X on the number that is lessthan the other number.4 is lessthan 5.
Question 3.
I marked X on the group that is lessthan the other group.1 is lessthan 3.
Question 4.
I counted and wrote the numbers 2 and 1.
I circled 2 as it is greater tahn 1.
Question 5.
I drew 2 blue counters as there are 2 yellow counters in the picture.
Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the group that is greater in number than the other group; 2 mark an X on the number that is less than the other number; 3 mark an X on the group that is less in number than the other group; 4 count the objects, write the number to tell how many of each, and then draw a circle around the number that is greater than the other number; 5 draw a group of counters that is equal in number to the group of counters shown.
Pick a Project
Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture A. Think about this question: What fruits and vegetables are grown locally? If you choose Project A, you will write a song. Look at picture B. Think about this question: Where would you go if you had a private plane? If you choose Project B, you will design a model plane. Look at picture C. Think about this question: How many animals live in a coral reef? If you choose Project C, you will make a poster of a coral reef.
Math Modeling
By The Handful
Directions Read the robot’s speech bubble to students. Generate Interest Ask students what foods they like to eat by the handful. Say: Can you hold more apples or strawberries in your hand? How many tennis balls can you hold in one hand? Provide time to practice picking up objects and then counting them.
Lesson 3.1 Count 6 and 7
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson’s dog, Rex, has some balls on the red rug. Use counters and draw a picture on the empty dog bed to show how many boils Rex has. Tell how you know you are correct.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I drew a counter for each dog i count.There are 6 dogs.
Question 2.
I drew a counter for each dog i count.There are 6 dogs.
Directions 1 and 2 Have students draw a counter as they count each dog to show how many.
Question 3.
I drew a counter for each animal i count.There are 7 animals.
Question 4.
I drew a counter for each animal i dog.There are 7 dogs.
Question 5.
I drew a counter for each animal i count.There are 6 animals.
Directions 3-5 Have students draw a counter as they count each animal to show how many.
Independent Practice
Question 6.
I drew a counter for each bird i counted.There are 7 birds.
Question 7.
I drew a counter for each bird i counted.There are 6 birds.
Question 8.
I drew a counter for each bird i counted.There are 6 birds.
Question 9.
I draw 6 eggs and then drew a counter as i draw each egg.There are 6 eggs.
Directions 6-8 Have students draw a counter as they count each bird to show how many. 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw 6 or 7 eggs, and then draw a counter as they draw each egg to show how many.
Lesson 3.2 Read, Make, and Write 6 and 7
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson sees some beach balls. Choose a number card to tell how many. Use connecting cubes to show the number on the beach blanket. Count the cubes and show your partner. Then use the cubes to show another way to make the number. Now look at the other number card and repeat the activity.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I practiced the number 6 as there are 6 number of objects in the question.
Question 2.
I practiced the number 7 as there are 7 number of objects in the question.
Question 3.
I practiced the number 6 as there are 6 number of objects in the question.
Directions 1-3 Have students count the drinks, and then draw counters to show how many.
Question 4.
I practiced the number 6 as there are 6 number of objects in the question.
Question 5.
I counted and practiced the number 7 as there are 7 number of objects in the question.
Question 6.
I counted and practiced the number 6 as there are 6 number of objects in the question.
Question 7.
I counted and practiced the number 7 as there are 7 number of objects in the question.
Directions 4-7 Have students count the objects, and then practice writing the number that tells how many.
Independent Practice
Question 8.
I used counters to make the number 6 and drew circles to represent the number 6.
Question 9.
I used counters to make the number 7 and drew circles to represent the number 7.
Question 10.
I counted each group of objects, and then wrote the numbers 6, 7, 7 and 6 to tell how many.
Directions 8 and 9 Have students use counters to make the number. Then have them draw circles to represent the number. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students count each group of objects, and then write the numbers to tell how many.
Lesson 3.3 Count 8 and 9
Solve & Share
I drew 8 counters and drew 8 circles to show that Jackson made 8 sandwiches.
Directions Say: Jackson makes some sandwiches for lunch at the beach. Use counters and draw a picture on the blank sign to show how many sandwiches Jackson makes. Tell how you know you ore correct.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I counted the sandwiches, and then drew 9 counters to show how many.
Question 2.
I counted the sandwiches, and then drew 8 counters to show how many.
Question 3.
I counted the sandwiches, and then drew 9 counters to show how many.
Directions 1-3 Have students count the sandwiches, and then draw counters to show how many.
Question 4.
I counted the drinks, and then drew 9 counters to show how many.
Question 5.
I counted the drinks, and then drew 8 counters to show how many.
Question 6.
I counted the drinks, and then drew 8 counters to show how many.
Directions 4-6 Have students count the drinks, and then draw counters to show how many.
Independent Practice
Question 7.
I counted the pieces of fruit, and then drew 9 counters to show how many.
Question 8.
I counted the pieces of fruit, and then drew 8 counters to show how many.
Question 9.
I counted the pieces of fruit, and then drew 9 counters to show how many.
Question 10.
I drew 8 oranges and then drew 8 counters to show the number of oranges.
Directions 7-9 Have students count the pieces of fruit, and then draw counters to show how many. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw 8 or 9 oranges, and then draw counters to show how many.
Lesson 3.4 Read, Make, and Write 8 and 9
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson sees some turtle eggs. Draw a number card to tell how many. Count out that many counters and place them across the top of the workmat. What are some different ways to make the number? Draw two ways on the turtle shells. Are there different ways to count the number? Tell how you know.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I counted the turtles and the practiced writing the number 8.There are 8 turtles.
Question 2.
I counted the turtles and the practiced writing the number 9.There are 9 turtles.
Question 3.
I counted the turtles and the practiced writing the number 9.There are 9 turtles.
Directions 1-3 Have students count the turtles, and then practice writing the number that tells how many.
Question 4.
I counted the animals and the practiced writing the number 8.There are 8 animals.
Question 5.
I counted the animals and the practiced writing the number 9.There are 9 animals.
Question 6.
I counted the animals and the practiced writing the number 8.There are 8 animals.
Question 7.
I counted the animals and the practiced writing the number 9.There are 9 animals.
Directions 4-7 Have students count the animals, and then practice writing the number that tells how many.
Independent Practice
Question 8.
I used 8 counters to make the number. Then drew circles to represent the number 8.
Question 9.
I used 9 counters to make the number. Then drew circles to represent the number 9.
Question 10.
I counted each group of animals and then wrote the numbers 9, 8 and 9.
Directions 8 and 9 Have students use counters to make the number. Then have them draw circles to represent the number. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students count each group of animals, and then write the numbers that tell how many.
Lesson 3.5 Count 10
Solve & Share
I drew 10 counters and 10 circles to show that Jackson saw 10 ducks at the pond.
Directions Say: Jackson sees some ducks swimming in a pond. Use counters and draw a picture in the empty pond to show how many ducks Jackson sees. Tell how you know you are correct.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 10 birds.
Question 2.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 10 birds.
Directions 1 and 2 Have students draw a counter for each bird they count to show how many.
Question 3.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 8 birds.
Question 4.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 10 birds.
Directions 3 and 4 Have students draw a counter for each bird they count to show how many.
Independent Practice
Question 5.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 10 birds.
Question 6.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 9 birds.
Question 7.
I drew a counter for each bird as i count.There are 10 birds.
Question 8.
I drew 10 birds and then drew a counter for each bird i count.
Directions 5-7 Have students draw counters as they count each bird to show how many. 8 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw 9 or 10 birds, and then draw a counter for each bird they draw to show how many.
Lesson 3.6 Read, Make, and Write 10
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson sees some fish in the water. Count how many and use cubes to show the number on the side of the boat. Remove the cubes and use your crayons to draw 10 squares on the boat. Are there different ways to show the number? Tell how you know.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I counted the boats, and then wrote the number 10.There are 10 boats.
Question 2.
I counted the boats, and then wrote the number 10.There are 10 boats.
Question 3.
I counted the boats, and then wrote the number 8.There are 8 boats.
Directions 1-3 Have students count the boats, and then write the number to tell how many.
Question 4.
I counted the boats, and then wrote the number 10 as there are 10 boats.
Question 5.
I counted the boats, and then wrote the number 9 as there are 9 boats.
Directions 4-5 Have students count the boats, and then write the number to tell how many.
Independent Practice
Question 6.
I counted the shells, and then wrote the number 10 as there are 10 shells.
Question 7.
I counted the shells, and then wrote the number 10 as there are 10 shells.
Question 8.
I counted each group of seahores and then wrote the numbers.There are 10 green sea horses, 10 blue sea horses and 9 yellow sea horses.
Directions Number Sense 6 and 7 Have students count the shells, and then write the number to tell how many. 8 Higher Order Thinking Have students count each group of sea horses, and then write the numbers to tell how many.
Lesson 3.7 Count Numbers to 10
Solve & Share
One lessthan 8 is 7 and one greater tha 8 is 9.
So, i wrote the number 7 and 9.
Directions Say: Emily thinks of two numbers, one that is 1 less than 8 and another that ¡s I more than 8. Write the two numbers Emily ¡s thinking of. Show how you know you are correct.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I counted the counters given in the above pictues and wrote the numbers that are 1 greater than the before number.
2 is one greater than 1, 3 is one greater than 2, 4 is one greater than 3 and 5 is one greater than 4
Directions 1 Have students count, and then write the number that is 1 greater than the number before.
Question 2.
I counted the counters given in the above picture and wrote the number 6 that is one lessthan 7 and wrote number 8 that is one greater than 7.
Question 3.
I wrote the smallest number 6, and then counted forward and wrote the number that is 1 greater than the number before.
7 is one greater than 6, 8 is one greater than 7 and 9 is one greater then 8.
Question 4.
I wrote the smallest number 3, and then counted forward and wrote the number that is 1 greater than the number before.
4 is one greater than 3, 5 is one greater than 4 and 6 is one greater then 5.
Directions 2 Vocabulary Have students count to find the number that is 1 less than and 1 greater than the given number, and then write the numbers. 3 and 4 Have students write the smallest number, and then count forward and write the number that is 1 greater than the number before.
Independent Practice
Question 5.
I counted the counters given in the above picture and wrote the number 0 that is one lessthan 1 and wrote number 2 that is one greater than 1.
Question 6.
I counted the counters given in the above picture and wrote the number 8 that is one lessthan 9 and wrote number 10 that is one greater than 9.
Question 7.
I counted the cards and 7 is smallest in all the cards.I count forward and write the number that is 1 greater than the number before.The numbers are 8, 9 and 10.
Question 8.
The missing number in the above numbers is 5.I counted forward and wrote the number that is one greater than before number.I wrote the numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Directions Have students: 5 and 6 count to find the number that is 1 less than and 1 greater than the given number, and then write the numbers; 7 compare the number cards, write the smallest number, and then count forward and write the number that is 1 greater than the number before, 8 Higher Order Thinking Have students find the missing number, and then count forward to write the number that is 1 greater than the number before.
Lesson 3.8 Look For and Use Structure
Problem Solving
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson decorates his sand castle with 3 shells. He has two different colors of shells. How can he use a number pattern to show ways to make groups of 3 shells? Use two-colored counters to show the shell pattern and write the number pattern on the sand castle.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
I used yellow and red crayons and made pattern to make groups of 6.The group is 5 red pails and 1 yellow pail.
Directions Say: How can you color the pails to show different ways to make groups of 6? 1 Have students use red and yellow crayons to make a pattern showing two ways to make groups of 6, and then write the number of red pails and yellow pails in each row. Have them describe the pattern.
Independent Practice
Question 2.
I used red and yellow crayons to complete the pattern showing ways to make groups of 6.I wrote the number of red pails and yellow pails in each row.The pattern is the number of red pails are decreasing and the number of yellow pails are increasing by 1s.
Directions Say: How can you color the pails to show different ways to make groups of 6? 2 Have students look at Items 1 and 2, and then use red and yellow crayons to complete the pattern showing ways to make groups of 6. Then have them write the number of red pails and yellow pails in each row, and describe the pattern.
Problem Solving
Performance Task
Question 3,4,5.
3. I can use the tool of making patterns to show a group in different ways.
4. The ways that are shown in the problem help us to make a different pattern with different number of beach balls.
5. The next way is to make a group of 6 red balls and 3 blue balls.
Directions Read the problem to students. Then have them use multiple problem-solving methods to solve the problem. Say: Mr. Sand runs a game at the beach. The prizes are red and blue beach balls. He displays them in a pattern. What is the next row in the pattern? 3 Use Tools What tool can you use to help solve the problem? 4 Generalize How can the ways that are shown help you find the next way to make a group of 9 beach balls? 5 Look for Patterns What is the next way in the pattern? Write the number of red and blue beach balls for that way.
Topic 3 Vocabulary Review
Question 1.
I counted and wrote the number 8.
Question 2.
I drew a circle around the number 9
Question 3.
I said aloud wrote the missing number 6.one greater than 5 is 6.
Question 4.
3 red cubes and 7 blue cubes are used to make a group of 10.
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 1 write the number eight; 2 draw a circle around the number nine; 3 write the missing number and then say it aloud; 4 write the number of red cubes and the number of blue cubes used to make the group of 10.
Question 5.
I drew a circle around the number 10.
Question 6.
I wrote the number 7.
Question 7.
There are 6 cubes in the picture.So, i wrote 6 in the blank.
Question 8.
I wrote the number 1 to 10 in order.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 5 draw a circle around the number ten; 6 write the number seven; 7 count the number of cubes, and then write the number to tell how many; 8 write numbers 1 to 10 in order.
Topic 3 Reteaching
Set A
Question 1.
There are 7 balls.So, I counted and wrote the number 7 in the blamk.
Question 2.
There are 6 baskets.So, I counted and wrote the number 6 in the blank.
Set B
Question 3.
I counted the number of dots, and placed a counter for each dot i counted, and then drew 7 counters in the box to show the same number of counters as dots in a different way.
Question 4.
I counted the number of dots, and placed a counter for each dot i counted, and then drew 6 counters in the box to show the same number of counters as dots in a different way.
Directions Have students: 1 and 2 count the objects, and then write the numbers to tell how many; 3 and 4 count the number of dots, place a counter for each dot they count, and then draw counters in the box to show the same number of counters as dots in a different way.
Set C
Question 5.
There are 9 octopuses.So, I counted and wrote the number 9 in the blank.
Question 6.
There are 8 oysters.So, I counted and wrote the number 8 in the blank.
Set D
Question 7.
I counted the number of dots, and placed a counter for each dot i counted, and then drew 9 counters in the box to show the same number of counters as dots in a different way.
Question 8.
I counted the number of dots, and placed a counter for each dot i counted, and then drew 8 counters in the box to show the same number of counters as dots in a different way.
Directions Have students: 5 and 6 count the objects, and then write the number to tell how many; 7 and 8 count the number of dots, place a counter as they count each dot, and then draw counters in the box to show the same number of counters as dots in a different way.
Set E
Question 9.
There are 10 dresses.So, I counted and practiced the number 10.
Set F
Question 10.
There are 10 insects.I colored 10 connecting cubes to show the number of insects in the picture.
Directions Have students: 9 count the objects, and then practice writing the number that tells how many; 10 count the insects, use connecting cubes to show that number, and then color a connecting cube for each insect they count.
Set G
Question 11.
I used purple and blue crayons to make an ordered pattern of showing rows of 4 counters.
I wrote the numbers 4 and 0, 3 and 1, 2 and 2, 1 and 3 and 0 and 4 to describe the patterns i made.
Directions 11 Have students use two different colored crayons to make an ordered pattern showing rows of 4 counters, and then write the numbers to describe the pattern.
Topic 3 Assessment Practice
Question 1.
I counted the number of fishes.There are 6 in number.So, i marked the number 6.
Question 2.
I counted the number of turtles.There are 8 in number.So, i marked the number 8.
Question 3.
I counted the number of dresses.There are 7 in number.So, i marked the number 7.
Question 4.
I counted the number counters in all the options and option 1,2 and 3 do NOT have 9 counters.So, i marked the first, second and third options.
Directions Have students mark the best answer. 1 How many fish are there? 2 How many turtles are there? 3 Which number tells how many swimsuits? 4 Mark all the answers that do NOT show 9.
Question 5.
The number given is 8 so, i drew 8 animals to show the given number.
Question 6.
I counted the number of fishes.They are 7 in number.So, i wrote the number 7.
Question 7.
I drew 10 shells and wrote the number 10.
Directions Have students: 5 read the number, and then draw animals to show how many; 6 count the fish, and then write the number to tell how many; 7 draw ten shells, and then write the number to tell how many.
Question 8.
I colored 6 apples red and 4 apples yellow to show one way to make a group of 10.
Question 9.
I drew 7 more turtles and and drew counters to show that there are 10 turtles in all.
Directions Have students: 8 color the apples red and yellow to show one way to make a group of 10; write numbers to tell how many apples of each color there are; and write the number that tells how many apples in all; 9 draw more turtles to show 10, and then draw counters to show how many turtles in all.
Question 10.
I colored the shovels using red and yellow crayons to make a group of 5.
There are 3 red shovels, 2 blue shovels and 10 shovels in all.
Directions 10 Have students color the shovels using red and yellow crayons to show one way to make a group of 5. Write the number of red shovels and the number of yellow shovels that they colored. Then write the number that tells how many shovels in all.
Topic 3 Performance Task
Question 1.
I counted the number of objects at the beach.
There are 6 shells, 7 star fishes and 8 birds at the beach.
Question 2.
I colored fishes red and yellow and made two different ways to show group of 10.
1)5 red fishes and 5 yellow fishes.
2)4 red fishes and 6 yellow fishes.
Directions The Beach Say: Lexi sees many interesting things at the beach. 1 Have students count how many there are of each object, and then write the number to tell how many. 2 The fish that Lexi sees show one way to make 10. Color the fish red and yellow to show two different ways to make a row of 10 fish. Then write the numbers.
Question 3.
I colored the towels at the beach blue and red to show different ways to group 7.
I wrote the number 7 and 0, 6 and 1, 5 and 2, 4 and 3, 3 and 4, 2 and 5 and 1 and 6 in each row to show the pattern of blue an dred towels in each row.The pattern here is that the blue towels are drcreasing in number and re towles are increasing in number.
Directions 3 Say: The beach towels that Lexi sees show one way to make 7. Have students color the beach towels (e.g., some blue and some red) to make an ordered pattern showing rows of 7 towels, and then write numbers to describe the pattern.