Go through the enVision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answer Key Topic 7 Understand Subtraction regularly and improve your accuracy in solving questions.
Envision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answers Key Topic 7 Understand Subtraction
Essential Question:
How can representing taking apart and taking from in different ways help you learn about subtraction?
enVision STEM Project: Animal Needs
Directions Read the character speech bubbles to students. Find Out! Have students find out about how plants, animals, and humans use their environment to meet basic needs such as food, water, nutrients, sunlight, space, and shelter. Say: Different organisms need different things. Talk to friends and relatives about the different needs of plants, animals, and humans, and how different organisms meet those needs. Journal: Make a Poster Have students make a poster. Ask them to draw as many as 5 pictures of a human’s needs and as many as 5 pictures of an animal’s needs. Have them cross out the needs that are the same for humans and animals, and then write how many are left.
Review What You Know
Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the plus sign; 2 draw a circle around the equal sign; 3 draw a circle around the sum; 4 – 5 count the objects in each group, and then write the equation to tell how many in all.
Question 1.
3 + 6 = 9
I drew a circle around the plus (+) sign.
Question 2.
4 + 1 = 5
I drew a circle around the equal (=) sign.
Question 3.
2 + 5 = 7
I drew a circle around the sum of the numbers 2 and 5 that is 7.
Question 4.
There are 3 counters in first group and 1 counter in second group. Therefore the addition equation is 3+1=4.
Question 5.
There are 5 counters in first group and 3 counter in second group. Therefore the addition equation is 5+3=8.
Question 6.
There are 6 squares in first group and 4 squares in second group. Therefore the addition equation is 6+4=10.
Pick A Project
Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture A. Think about this question: What jobs can you do? If you choose Project A, you will make a jobs chart. Look at picture B. Think about this question: If you had a garden, how many flowers would you plant? If you choose Project B, you will sing a song about flowers. Look at picture C. Think about this question: Do stars have different colors? If you choose Project C, you will draw a picture of different-colored stars and tell a number story.
Lesson 7.1 Explore Subtraction
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Marta sees 5 goldfish in the pond. I swims away. How many fish are left? Think about the problem in your head. Then act out the story with your fingers. Use counters to show how many are left. Write numbers to explain.
I can ………….. show numbers in many ways.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to find how many are left: give an explanation of a mental image, use objects to act it out, and hold up fingers. Have them mark Xs on how many birds fly away, and then write the number to tell how many are left.1 8 eagles sit on a branch. 2 fly away. How many eagles are left? 2 5 blue jays hop on the ground. I flies away. How many blue jays are left?
Question 1.
8 eagles sit on a branch. 2 fly away.I marked ‘X’ on 2 birds. Therefore 6 birds are left.
Question 2.
5 blue jays hop on the ground. I flies away. I marked ‘X’ on 1 bird. Therefore 4 birds are left.
Directions Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to find how many are left: give an explanation of a mental image, use objects to act it out, and hold up fingers. Have them mark Xs on how many walk away or are taken out, and then write the number to tell how many are left. 3 9 ladybugs are on a leaf. 4 walk away. How many ladybugs are left? 4 7 caterpillars are on a leaf. 6 walk away. How many caterpillars are left? 5 9 marbles are in a jar. 3 are taken out. How many marbles are left? 6 6 marbles are in a jar. 4 are taken out. How many marbles are left?
Question 3.
9 ladybugs are on a leaf. 4 walk away. I marked ‘X’ on 4 bugs. Therefore 5 bugs are left on the leaf.
Question 4.
7 caterpillars are on a leaf. 6 walk away. I marked ‘X’ on 6 Caterpillars. Therefore 1 is left on the leaf.
Question 5.
9 marbles are in a jar. 3 are taken out. I marked ‘X’ on 3 marbles that are taken out. Therefore 6 marbles are left in the jar.
Question 6.
6 marbles are in a jar. 4 are taken out. I marked ‘X’ on 4 marbles that are taken out. Therefore 2 marbles are left in the jar.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to find how many are left: give an explanation of a mental image, use objects to act it out, and hold up fingers. Ask them to write the number to tell how many are left. 7 10 fingers are in the air. 2 are put down. How many fingers are left? 8 7 fingers are in the air. 3 are put down. How many fingers are left? 9 Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to find how many are left: give an explanation of a mental image, use objects to act it out, and then mark Xs on how many are taken away. Ask them to write the number to tell how many are left. There are 9 marbles. 6 are taken away. How many marbles are left? 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw 10 marbles. Have them mark Xs on some of them, and then write the number to tell how many marbles are left.
Question 7.
10 fingers are in the air. 2 are put down. So, 8 fingers are left in the air.
Question 8.
7 fingers are in the air. 3 are put down. So, 4 fingers are left in the air.
Question 9.
There are 9 marbles. 6 are taken away.I marked ‘X’ on 6 marbles that are taken out. Therefore 3 marbles are left.
Question 10.
I drew 10 marbles taken away 6 from them.I marked ‘X’ on 6 marbles that are taken out. Therefore 4 marbles are left.
Lesson 7.2 Represent Subtraction as Taking Apart
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Alex picks 7 apples. Some apples are red, and some are yellow. Alex wants to put the red apples in one basket and the yellow in the other. How many red apples and how many yellow apples can there be? Use counters to show the red and yellow apples, and write the numbers to tell how many of each. Draw pictures to show your answer.
I can ………… take apart a number and tell the parts.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students: 1 take apart the group of pears. Then have them draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts; 2 take apart the group of peaches. Then have them draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts.
Question 1.
I took apart the group of pears. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 4 and 1 to tell the parts.
Question 2.
I took apart the group of peachess. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 2 and 4 to tell the parts.
Directions 3 – 6 Have students take apart the group of fruit. Then have them draw a circle around the ports they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts.
Question 3.
I took apart the group of fruits. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 1 and 3 to tell the parts.
Question 4.
I took apart the group of fruits. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 4 and 6 to tell the parts.
Question 5.
I took apart the group of fruits. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 2 and 1 to tell the parts.
Question 6.
I took apart the group of fruits. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 3 and 2 to tell the parts.
Independent Practice
Directions 7 and 8 Have students take apart the group of fruit. Then have them draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts. 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw counters to show a group of 5. Then have them take apart the group of counters, draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students choose any number between 2 and 10, write that number on the top line, and then draw a group of counters to show that number. Have them take apart the group of counters, draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts.
Question 7.
I took apart the group of fruits. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 3 and 3 to tell the parts.
Question 8.
I took apart the group of fruits. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 1 and 1 to tell the parts.
Question 9.
I drew counters to show a group of 5.I took apart the group of counters. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 3 and 2 to tell the parts.
Question 10.
I choosed a number between 2 and 10, wrote that number 6 on the top line, and then drew a group of 6 counters to show that number.I took apart the group of counters. Then i drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 2 and 4 to tell the parts.
Lesson 7.3 Represent Subtraction as Taking From
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Marto is watching bugs. She sees q ladybugs together in a group. Then some crawl away. Look at the picture and decide how many are left. Use counters to show what you think happens in the story. Then write numbers to tell how many ladybugs are left ¡n the group.
I can …………. represent subtraction as taking away from a whole.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, and then complete the sentence to tell how many bugs are left. 1 Marta sees 6 bumblebees. 3 leave. How many bumblebees are left? 2 Marta sees 7 ladybugs. 2 leave. How many ladybugs are left?
Question 1.
Marta sees 6 bumblebees. 3 leave. Therefore 3 bees are left. So, i wrote sentence is 6 takeaway 3 is 3.
Question 2.
Marta sees 7 ladybugs. 2 leave. Therefore 5 bugs are left. So, i wrote the sentence 7 takeaway 2 is 5.
Directions Have students listen to each story, and then complete the sentence to tell how many bugs are left. 3 Emily sees 6 grasshoppers on the table. 2 hop away. How many grasshoppers are left? 4 Emily sees 7 dragonflies. 3 fly away. How many dragonflies are left? 5 Emily sees 8 caterpillars resting on a branch. 4 crawl away. How many caterpillars are left? 6 enVision® STEM Say: Ants can move material much bigger than themselves. Emily sees 10 ants on a picnic blanket. 4 walk away. How many ants are left?
Question 3.
Emily sees 6 grasshoppers on the table. 2 hop away. Therefore 4 grasshoppers are left. So, i wrote the sentence 6 takeaway 2 is 4.
Question 4.
Emily sees 7 dragonflies. 3 fly away. Therefore 4 flies are left. So, i wrote the sentence 7 takeaway 3 is 4.
Question 5.
Emily sees 8 caterpillars resting on a branch. 4 crawl away. Therefore 4 Caterpillars are left. So, i wrote the sentence 8 takeaway 4 is 4.
Question 6.
Emily sees 10 ants on a picnic blanket. 4 walk away. Therefore 6 ants are left. So, i wrote the sentence 10 takeaway 4 is 6.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, and then complete the sentence to tell how many are left. 7 Jerome sees 8 snails on the sidewalk. 3 slink away. How many snails are left? 8 Jerome sees 6 grasshoppers in the grass. 3 hop away. How many grasshoppers are left? 9 Jerome sees 9 butterflies in the garden. 4 flutter away. How many butterflies are left? 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, draw a picture to show the story, and then complete the sentence to tell how many are left. Jerome sees 7 inchworms on a tree. L crawl away. How many inch worms are left?
Question 7.
Jerome sees 8 snails on the sidewalk. 3 slink away. Therefore 5 snails are left. So, i wrote the sentence 8 takeaway 3 is 5.
Question 8.
Jerome sees 6 grasshoppers in the grass. 3 hop away. Therefore 3 grasshoppers are left. So, i wrote the sentence 6 takeaway 3 is 3.
Question 9.
Jerome sees 9 butterflies in the garden. 4 flutter away. Therefore 5 butterflies are left. So, i wrote the sentence 9 takeaway 4 is 5.
Question 10.
Lesson 7.4 Represent and Explain Subtraction with Addition
Solve & Share
Directions Have students listen to the story and use counters to show what happens. Say: There are 6 fire hats. Firefighters take 3 away. What numbers do you subtract to find how many hats are left? How con you show the subtraction?
I can ………. write an equation to show subtraction.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 and 2 Have students use counters to model the problem, mark Xs to subtract, and then write a subtraction equation to find
the difference.
Question 1.
I marked X to subtract, and then wrote a subtraction equation 5-4=1 to find the difference.
Question 2.
I drew 7 counters and marked X on 5 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 7-5=2 as the difference is 2.
Directions 3 – 6 Have students use counters to model the problem, mark Xs to subtract, and then write a subtraction equation to find
the difference.
Question 3.
I drew 8 counters and marked X on 2 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 8-2=6 as the difference is 6.
Question 4.
I drew 6 counters and marked X on 5 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 6-5=1 as the difference is 1.
Question 5.
I drew 9 counters and marked X on 5 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 9-5=4 as the difference is 4.
Question 6.
I drew 7 counters and marked X on 2 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 7-2=5 as the difference is 5.
Independent Practice
Directions 7 – 9 Have students use counters to model the problem, mark Xs to subtract, and then write an equation to find the difference. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, draw counters and mark Xs to show the problem, and then write an equation to find the difference. There are 7 baseball caps. Some are worn to a game. There are 4 left. How many caps were worn to the game?
Question 7.
I drew 8 counters and marked X on 3 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 8-3=5 as the difference is 5.
Question 8.
I drew 4 counters and marked X on 1 counter to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 4-1=3 as the difference is 3.
Question 9.
I drew 6 counters and marked X on 4 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 6-4=2 as the difference is 2.
Question 10.
I drew 7 counters and marked X on 3 counters to subtract. I wrote a subtraction equation 7-3=4 as the difference is 4.
Lesson 7.5 Solve Subtraction Word Problems: Taking From and Apart
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Marta’s dog, Spot, loves to eat doggie biscuits. Moda put 6 biscuits in a bag. One day, Spot ate q biscuits. Now there are only 2 left. How does Marlo know there are 2 biscuits left? Use counters, pictures, or numbers to explain and show your work.
I can … find the difference of two numbers.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students listen to the story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write a subtraction equation. Then have them explain their work aloud. Say: Marfa has 6 kittens. She gives them a big bowl of water to drink. But there is only room for 4 kittens to drink at the same time. How does Marta know that 2 kittens have to wait?
Question 1.
Directions Have students listen to each story, use or draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation. Then have them explain their work aloud. 2 Emily sees 8 rabbits in a pet store. Someone buys 3 of them. How many rabbits are left? 3 Emily sees 7 birds in a cage. The pet store owner opens the cage door and 3 fly out. How many birds ore left? 4 Emily sees 8 puppies in the store. 6 of them are sold. How many puppies are left? 5 Emily sees 5 hamsters sleeping. I goes away to eat. How many hamsters are left?
Question 2.
Emily sees 8 rabbits in a pet store. Someone buys 3 of them. I used the picture to show what is happening. I marked X on 3 rabbits. Therefore 5 rabbits are left. So, i wrote the equation 8-3=5 as the difference is 5.
Question 3.
Emily sees 7 birds in a cage. The pet store owner opens the cage door and 3 fly out.I used the picture to show what is happening. I marked X on 3 parrots. Therefore 4 rabbits are left. So, i wrote the equation 7-3=4 as the difference is 4.
Question 4.
Emily sees 8 puppies in the store. 6 of them are sold. I drew connecting cubes to show what is happening. I marked X on 3 cubes. Therefore 5 cubes are left. So, i wrote the equation 8-3=5 as the difference is 5.
Question 5.
Emily sees 5 hamsters sleeping. I goes away to eat. I drew connecting cubes to show what is happening. I marked X on 1 cubes. Therefore 4 cubes are left. So, i wrote the equation 5‐1=4 as the difference is 4.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation. 6 There are 6 birds in a birdbath. 4 fly away. How many birds are left? 7 There are 5 acorns under a tree. A squirrel takes 3 of them. How many acorns are left? 8 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, draw a circle around the picture that shows the story and tell why the other picture does NOT show the story, and then write an equation. There are 4 ducks in a pond, 1 leaves. How many ducks are left?
Question 6.
There are 6 birds in a birdbath. 4 fly away.I drew connecting cubes to show what is happening. I marked X on 2 cubes. Therefore 4 cubes are left. So, i wrote the equation 6‐4=2 as the difference is 2.
Question 7.
There are 5 acorns under a tree. A squirrel takes 3 of them.I drew connecting cubes to show what is happening. I marked X on 3 cubes. Therefore 4 cubes are left. So, i wrote the equation 5‐3=2 as the difference is 2.
Question 8.
There are 4 ducks in a pond, 1 leaves. Therefore the equation is 4‐3=2. The first picture matches with the equation. So, i circled the first equation.
Lesson 7.6 Use Patterns to Develop Fluency in Subtraction
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Look at the first equation. Write the number from the number that completes the equation on the orange spoce. Repeat for the next equation. Finish the pattern by placing the other number cards on the orange spaces, and then write the numbers to complete the equations. What patterns do you see?
I can….. find patterns in subtraction equations.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students complete each equation to find the pattern, and then explain the pattern they see.
Question 1.
I completed each equation and found the pattern. The difference is decreasing by 1.
Directions 2 and 3 Have students look for a pattern, explain the pattern they see, and then write an equation for each row of insects.
Question 2.
I observed the pattern in the question. The number of butterflies left are increasing by 1. So, i completed the equations based on the picture. The difference is decreasing by 1.
Question 3.
I observed the pattern in the question. The number of butterflies left are decreasing by 1. So, i completed the equations based on the picture. The difference is increasing by 1.
Independent Practice
Directions 4 Algebra Have students mark Xs to complete the pattern, explain the pattern they see, and then write an equation for each row of flowers. 5 Higher Order Thinking Have students find the pattern, and then complete the equation. 6 Higher Order Thinking Have students find the pattern, and then write the missing number in the equation.
Question 4.
I marked X on one flower in the second row and left the third row to create the decreasing pattern. Therefore based on the patterns of flowers i completed the equations. The difference is increasing by 1.
Question 5.
I found the pattern and the equation is 10‐4=6.
Question 6.
I found the pattern and the missing number is 4.
Lesson 7.7 Problem Solving
Use Appropriate Tools
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Alex has a food bar with 8 pieces of food for the flamingos at the lake. He takes apart 2 pieces of the bar to feed the flamingos. How many pieces does he have left on his bar? Use one of the tools you have to help solve the problem. Draw a picture of what you did, and then write the equation.
I can ……….. use tools to subtract numbers
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, use a tool to help them solve the problem, and then write the equation. Then have them explain whether or not the tool they chose helped to solve the problem. 1 There is I flamingo standing in the water. 8 more fly over to join it. How many flamingos are there in all? 2 Marta sees 7 seagulls. 4 fly away. How many seagulls are left?
Question 1.
There is I flamingo standing in the water. 8 more fly over to join it. Therefore there are 9 flamigos in all. So, the addition equation is 1+8=9.
Question 2.
Marta sees 7 seagulls. 4 fly away. Therefore 3 seagulls are left. So, the subtraction equation is 7-4=3.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, use a tool to help them solve the problem, and then write the equation. Then have them tell which tool they chose and whether or not it helped to solve the problem. 3 There are 3 raccoons in a tree. 3 more climb the tree to join them. How many raccoons are there in all? 4 Marta sees 9 turtles swimming in a pond. 5 dive under the water. How many turtles are left? 5 There are 7 beavers in the water. 4 swim away. How many beavers are left? 6 Marta see 6 ducks in the lake. 2 more join them. How many ducks are there in all?
Question 3.
There are 3 raccoons in a tree. 3 more climb the tree to join them. Therefore, there are 6 racoons in all. So, the addition equation is 3+3=6.
Question 4.
Marta sees 9 turtles swimming in a pond. 5 dive under the water. Therefore, 4 turtles are swimming. So, the subtraction equation is 9-5=4.
Question 5.
There are 7 beavers in the water. 4 swim away. Therefore, 3 beavers are left. So, the subtraction equation is 7-4=3.
Question 6.
Marta see 6 ducks in the lake. 2 more join them. Therefore, there are 8 ducks in all. So, the addition sentence is 6+2=8.
Problem Solving
Performance Task
Directions Read the problem aloud. Then have students use multiple problem-solving methods to solve the problem. Say: Carlos collects stomps. He has 9 stamps in all. He puts I stamp on the cover. He puts the rest inside the book. How many stamps does Carlos put inside his stamp book? 7 Make Sense What are you trying to find out? Will you use addition or subtraction to solve the problem? 8 Use Tools What tool can you use to help solve the problem? Tell a partner and explain why. 9 Be Precise Did you write the equation correctly? Explain what the numbers and the symbols mean in the equation.
Carlos collects stomps. He has 9 stamps in all. He puts I stamp on the cover. He puts the rest inside the book.
6) I am trying to find how many stamps did carol put in his book. I use subtraction to find the answer.
7) I drew counters as tool to find the difference.
8) yes, my equation is correct. 9-1=8. The symbol (-) means minus and (=) equal.
Topic 7 Vocabulary Review
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 1 write the minus sign to show subtraction; 2 draw a circle around the number that tells how many are left; 3 complete the subtraction sentence; 4 separate the tower into 2 parts, draw each part, and then write the numbers to tell the parts.
Question 1.
I wrote the minus sign in the circle to show the subtraction.
Question 2.
When we subtract 6 from 9 3 will be left. So, i circled the number 3.
Question 3.
The completed the subtraction sentence that is 8 takeaway 2 is 6.
Question 4.
I separated the tower into 2 parts, and drew 3 cubes as a part and 2 cubes as other part. Then wrote the numbers 3 and 2 in the blanks to tell the parts.
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 5 draw a circle around the difference; 6 write an equation to show how to subtract 3 from 7 to find the difference; 7 listen to the story, draw a picture to show how to take away, and then write an equation to match the story. Lorin sees 6 apples on the table. She takes 3 away. How many apples are left?
Question 5.
When we subtract 3 from 8 the difference is 5. So, i circled 5.
Question 6.
The equation that shows the how to subtract 3 from 7 is 7-3=4.
Question 7.
Lorin sees 6 apples on the table. She takes 3 away. I marked X on 3apples as Lorin takes away 3 apples. Therefore 3 apples are left. I wrote the equation 6-3=3 to show what Lorin did.
Topic 7 Reteaching
Directions Have students: 1 count the bees, tell how many are NOT on the flower, and then write the number to tell how many are left on the flower; 2 take apart the group of apples. Have them draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write the numbers to tell the parts.
Set A
Question 1.
i counted the bees that are not on the flower. There is 1 bee out and there are 4 bees left on the flower. So, i wrote the number 4 in the blank.
Set B
Question 2.
I took apart the group of apples then drew a circle around the parts i made, and then wrote the numbers 3 and 4 to tell the parts.
Directions Have students: 3 listen to the story, and then complete the sentence to tell how many are left. Javi sees 9 dragonflies. 4 fly away. How many dragonflies are left? 4 use counters to model the problem, mark Xs to subtract, and then write an equation to find the difference.
Set C
Question 3.
Javi sees 9 dragonflies. 4 fly away. Therefore, 5 flies are left. So, i wrote the sentence 9 takeaway 4 is 5.
Set D
Question 4.
I used the picture to solve the problem. I marked X on 1 image. Therefore, 4-1=3.
Directions Have students: 5 use counters to model the problem, and then write an equation to tell how many are left; 6 listen to the story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation to match the story. Lidia has 5 balloons. 2 balloons pop. How many balloons does she have left?
Set D continued
Question 5.
There ere 9 birds in the question. I marked X on 6 birds. 3 birds are left. So, i wrote the subtraction equation 9-6=3.
Set E
Question 6.
Lidia has 5 balloons. 2 balloons pop. So, 3 balloons are left. Therefore, the subtraction equation is 5-2=3.
Directions Have students: 7 complete each equation to find the pattern; 8 listen to the story, use counters to help solve the problem, and then write the equation. Darla sees 3 frogs on the pond. 7 more join them. How many frogs are there in all?
Set F
Question 7.
I completed the equations to find the pattern. The differences of the equations are increasing by 1.
Set G
Question 8.
Darla sees 3 frogs on the pond. 7 more join them. I used counters to show what is happening. There are 10 frogs in all. Therefore, i wrote the equation 3+7=10.
Topic 7 Assessment Practice
Directions Have students mark the best answer. 1 Say: Which expression matches the picture and tells the number of cubes in all and a part that is taken away? 2 Say: There are some animals in a group. Then some animals leave. Which sentence and subtraction equation match the picture and tell how many animals are left? 3 Which equation matches the picture and tells how many ducks are left?
Question 1.
A. 6 take away 2
B. 7 take away 2
C. 4 take away 2
D. 5 take away 3
B. 7 takeaway 2.
There are 7 cubes in all and 2 cubes are seperated from the other 5 cubes.
Question 2.
A. 4 take away 2 is 2. 8 – 2 = 6
B. 4 take away 3 is 1. 4 – 3 = 1
C. 2 take away I is 2. 3 – 1 = 2
D. 5 take away 3 is 2. 5 – 3 = 2
B. 4 takeaway 3 is 1. 4-3=1
There 4 mouse in all. 3 are marked X so, 1 is left. So, the equation will be 4-3=1.
Question 3.
A. 5 – 3 = 2
B. 5 – 2 = 3
C. 7 – 3 = 4
D. 7 – 2 = 5
A. 5-3=2.
There are 5 ducks in all. 3 are marked X 2 are left. So, the equation is 5-3=2.
Directions 4 Have students listen to the story, and then complete the sentence to tell how many are left. Kyle sees 10 turtles at the zoo. 2 turtles crawl away. Write a number sentence that tells how many are left. 5 Have students count the fish. Then have them mark Xs on some of the fish that swim away, write the number to tell how many are left, and write a matching equation, 6 Say: Ramona has 7 apples. She puts the apples on 2 plates. Draw apples to show how many Ramona could put on each plate. Then write the numbers to tell the parts.
Question 4.
Kyle sees 10 turtles at the zoo. 2 turtles crawl away. So, 8 are left. Therefore, the sentence is 10 takeaway 2 is 8.
Question 5.
I counted the number of fishes. There are 8 fishes in all. I marked X on 3 fishes that swim away, wrote the number 5 to tell how many are left. The equation is 8-3=5.
Question 6.
Ramona has 7 apples. She puts the apples on 2 plates. I drew 3 apples i one plate and 4 apples in the other plate to show how many Ramona could put on each plate. 3+4=7.
Directions 7 Have students complete each equation to find the pattern, 8 Have students listen to the story, draw a circle around the picture that shows the story, and then write an equation. There were 7 lizards in the sand. I crawls away. How many are left? 9 Which equation matches the picture?
Question 7.
I observed the pattern above, the number to be subtracted is increasing by 1. So, i completed the equations based on the pattern. The difference is decreasing by 1.
Question 8.
There were 7 lizards in the sand. 1 crawls away. Therefore, 6 are left. So, i wrote the equation 7-1=6.
Question 9.
A. 6 – 2 = 4
B. 5 – 4 = 1
C. 9 – 4 = 5
D. 4 – 4 = 0
C. 9 – 4 = 5
There are 9 crabs. 4 crabs are marked X. 5 are left. Therefore the equation 9-4=5 matches with the picture.
Directions Have students: 10 take apart the group of plums. Have them draw a circle around the parts they made, and then write an equation that matches their picture; 11 listen to the story, draw a picture, use counters or other objects to help solve the problem, and then write an equation that matches the story. Kim collects 9 shells. She gives 6 away. How many shells does Kim have left? 12 Have students match each equation with a row of flowers to find the pattern.
Question 10.
I took apart the plums. I marked X on 2 plums. 4 are left. Therefore, the subtraction equation is 6-2=4.
Question 11.
Kim collects 9 shells. She gives 6 away. 3 are left. The subtraction equation is 9-6=3.
Question 12.
I matched the pictures with the equations.
Topic 7 Performance Task
Directions Puppet Show Say: Paco’s class uses many puppets for their puppet show. 1 Have students listen to the story, and then write a subtraction sentence to tell how many duck puppets are left. Paco has 8 duck puppets at school. He takes 3 home. How many duck puppets are left at school? 2 Write an equation to tell how many duck puppets Paco has left at school. 3 Say: The picture shows that Paco put I cat puppet in a drawer. How many cat puppets are left? Have students write an equation for the picture, and then write another equation to complete a pattern.
Question 1.
Paco has 8 duck puppets at school. He takes 3 home. The sentence is 8 takeaway 3 is 5. Therefore, 5 puppets are left at school.
Question 2.
The equation that represents the sentence 8 takeaway 3 is 5 is 8-3=5.
Question 3.
Paco has 5 puppets and he put 1 puppet in drawer. So, the equation is 5-1=4.
Another equation in this pattern is 5-4=1, this tells 1 is in drawer and 4 are with Paco.
Directions 4 Say: Paco’s class puts on a play using 4 puppets. Each scene of the play has I more puppet leave the stage than the scene before. Have students mark Xs to complete the pattern. Then have them write equations to show how many puppets leave each scene. 5 Have students listen to the story, use counters to help solve each part of the problem, and then write an equation. Paco has 4 yellow bird puppets and 3 red bird puppets on his desk. How many bird puppets does Paco have in all? Then Paco moves 2 bird puppets to his friend Owen’s desk. How many bird puppets are left on Paco’s desk?
Question 4.
Paco’s class puts on a play using 4 puppets. Each scene of the play has I more puppet leave the stage than the scene before. So, i marked Xs to complete the pattern. Then wrote equations 4-1=3, 4-2=2 and 4-3=1 to show how many puppets leave each scene.
Question 5.