Go through the enVision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answer Key Topic 6 Understand Addition regularly and improve your accuracy in solving questions.
Envision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answers Key Topic 6 Understand Addition
Essential Question:
What types of situations involve addition?
enVision STEM Project: Baby Animals
Directions Read the character speech bubbles to students. Find Out! Have students explore the difference between animals and non-living things. Say: Animals can have babies. Non-living things cannot have babies. Talk to friends and relatives about different animals and their babies.
Journal: Make a Poster Have students make a poster. Have them draw a cat with 5 kittens, circle the mother cat and the kittens to join them into one group, and then fell a joining story about how many cats there are in all.
Review What You Know
Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the fish that are purple, and then mark an X on the fish that are NOT purple; 2 draw lines in the chart as they count the fish that are blue and the fish that are NOT blue. Then have them draw a circle around the picture at the top of the chart of the group that is greater than the other; 3 count the leaves, and then write the number to tell how many; 4 count the leaves, write the numbers to tell how many, and then draw a circle around the number that is less than the other number.
Question 1.
I circled the fishes that are purple in color and marked X on the fishes that are NOT purple in color.
Question 2.
I drew lines in the chart as i count the fishes that are blue and the fishes that are NOT blue. Then drew a circle around the picture at the top of the chart of the group that is greater than the other.There are more fishes that are NOT blue.
Question 3.
There are 10 leaves and i wrote the number 10 in the blank.
Question 4.
I counted and wrote the number of leaves 7 and 8.I circled 7 as there are less number of yellow leaves than red leaves.
Pick A Project
Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture A, Think about this question: Do you like baby animals? If you choose Project A, you will make a baby animals booklet. Look at picture B. Think about this question: How do you get to school? If you choose Project B, you will use a town plan to tell a story about riding the bus to school.
Directions Say: Look at picture C. Think about this question: What fun can you have on the playground? If you choose Project C, you will create a playground and play a hiding game. Look at picture D. Think about this question: What do you do at school all day? If you choose Project D, you will make a timeline and use it to act out your school day.
Lesson 6.1 Explore Addition
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Carias is thinking about some flowers he picked. Use counters to show how many pink and purple flowers he picked. How many flowers did he pick in all? Think about the problem. Write the number that tells how many. Then use your fingers to show how you know.
I can ………. show numbers in many ways.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to show each part and find how many in all: clap and knock, hold up fingers, and give an explanation of a mental image. Ask them to show how many of each color crayon, and then write the number to tell how many in all. Parker has 2 orange crayons. He has 3 purple crayons. How many crayons does he have in all?
Question 1.
Parker has 2 orange crayons and 3 purple crayons.As 2 and 3 is 5, there are 5 crayons in all.
Directions Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to show each part and find how many in all: clap and knock, hold up fingers, and give an explanation of a mental image. Ask them to color the number of each part, and then write the number to tell how many in all. 2 Cami has 3 green crayons. She has I blue crayon. How many crayons does she have in all? 3 Sammy has I brown crayon. He has 5 purple crayons. How many crayons does he have in all?
Question 2.
Cami has 3 green crayons. She has I blue crayon.As 3 and 1 is 4 there are 4 crayons in all.
Question 3.
Sammy has I brown crayon. He has 5 purple crayons.As 1 and 5 is 6 there are 6 crayons in all.
Independent Practice
Directions 4 Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to show each part to find how many in all: clap and knock, hold up fingers, and give an explanation of a mental image. Ask them to color the number of each part, and then write the number to tell how many in all. Junie has 5 erasers in one pocket. She has 2 erasers in her other pocket. How many erasers does she have in all? 5 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, color the erasers to show the parts, and then write the numbers to tell how many of each. Miguel has 9 erasers. He gives some to Aaron. He gives some to Bella. How many does he give to each friend?
Question 4.
Junie has 5 erasers in one pocket. She has 2 erasers in her other pocket.As 5 and 2 is 7 there are 7 crayons in all.
Question 5.
Miguel has 9 erasers. He gives some to Aaron. He gives some to Bella.As Miguel has 9 erasers he can give 5 to Aaron and 4 to Bella.5 and 4 is 9.
Lesson 6.2 Represent Addition as Adding To
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Daniel sees 2 boats on the water. Then 2 more boots go out on the water. Use red and blue cubes to show how many boats are in each group. How many boats are there ¡n all? Think about the problem. Use your cubes or draw a picture to show how you know.
I can ……… represent addition as adding to a number.
Daniel sees 2 boats on the water. Then 2 more boots go out on the water.I used cbes to show that 2 and 2 is 4.So, there are 4 boats in all.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 and 2 Have students use connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all.
Question 1.
I used connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.1 and 3 is 4.
Question 2.
I used connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.3 and 2 is 5.
Directions 3 – 6 Have students use connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all.
Question 3.
I used connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.5 and 4 is 9.
Question 4.
I used connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.3 and 3 is 6.
Question 5.
I used connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.6 and 2 is 8.
Question 6.
I used connecting cubes to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.3 and 7 is 10.
Independent Practice
Directions 7 – 9 Have students use counters to model adding to the group when more fish or boats come, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw the number of green connecting cubes to add to the given connecting cube to make 3 connecting cubes in all, and then complete the addition sentence.
Question 7.
I used counters to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.8 and 1 is 9.
Question 8.
I used counters to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.4 and 4 is 8.
Question 9.
I used counters to model adding to the group when more boats come, and then wrote an addition sentence to tell how many in all.3 and 3 is 6.
Question 10.
I drew 2 green connecting cubes to add to the given connecting cube 1 to make 3 connecting cubes in all, and then completed the addition sentence 1 and 2 is 3.
Lesson 6.3 Represent Addition as Putting Together
Solve & Share
DlrecNons Say: Daniel sees two tomato plants. One has 2 green tomatoes. The other has 3 red tomatoes. Use counters to show the tomatoes on each plant. Write the number of tomatoes under each plant. How many tomatoes are there in all? Write the number and use counters to show how you know
I can ……. represent addition as puffing two or more numbers together.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 and 2 Have students use counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all.
Question 1.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 2 and 4 is 6.
Question 2.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 5 and 2 is 7.
Directions 3 Vocabulary Have students draw a circle around the groups to put them together, write on addition sentence to tell how many in all, and then say the sentence aloud. 4 – 6 Have students use counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all.
Question 3.
I circled the groups to put together and wrote the addtion sentence 5 and 4 is 9.
Question 4.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 6 and 1 is 7.
Question 5.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 8 and 1 is 9.
Question 6.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 2 and 8 is 10.
Independent Practice
Directions 7 enViSiort® STEM Say: What do plants need to grow? Have students name the vegetables, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all. 8 and 9 Have students use counters as a model to put together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw the other group of counters, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then complete the addition sentence.
Question 7.
I circled the groups to put together and wrote the addtion sentence 9 and 1 is 10.
Question 8.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 2 and 6 is 8.
Question 9.
I used counters to model putting together the groups, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 1 and 5 is 6.
Question 10.
I drew the other group of 5 counters an 2 counters, drew a circle around the groups to put them together, and then completed the addition sentence 5 and 3 is 8.
Lesson 6.4 Represent and Explain Addition with Equations
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Daniel counts q drums ¡n a parade. Then he sees I more drum. What numbers do you add to find how many drums he sees in all? How can you show the adding?
I can … write an equation to show addition.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 and 2 Have students add the groups to find the sum, and then write on equation to show the addition.
Question 1.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 2+6=8 to show the addition.
Question 2.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 4+1=5 to show the addition.
Directions 3 – 6 Have students add the groups to find the sum, and then write on equation to show the addition.
Question 3.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 2+4=6 to show the addition.
Question 4.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 4+4=8 to show the addition.
Question 5.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 6+1=7 to show the addition.
Question 6.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 3+4=7 to show the addition.
Independent Practice
Directions 7 – 9 Have students add the groups to find the sum, and then write an equation to show the addition. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, draw the groups and add to find the sum, and then complete the equation. There are some counters on the page. Emily puts 3 more on the page. There are now 7 counters in oil.
Question 7.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 8+2=10 to show the addition.
Question 8.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 5+4=9 to show the addition.
Question 9.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 3+4=7 to show the addition.
Question 10.
Emily puts 3 counters on the page and there are 7 counters in all so, there will be 4 counters in the beginning.
I completed the addition sentence to show the numbe rof counters on the page that is 3 + 4 =7.
Lesson 6.5 Solve Addition Word Problems: Add To
Solve & Share
Directions Say: 4 squirrels are eating lunch at the squirrel feeder. 2 more join them. How many are eating at the feeder now? Show how you know in two ways, and then explain how you know.
I can ………. solve addition problems
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students listen to the story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write the equation. Then have them explain their work. 1 There are 6 sea stars on the beach. I more joins them. How many sea stars are there in all?
Question 1.
There are 6 sea stars on the beach. I more joins them.I drew connecting cubes to show the work.
6+1=7 s0, there are 7 sea stars in all.
Directions Have students listen to the story, use counters to show the addition, look at or draw a picture, and then write on equation to tell how many in all. 2 3 birds are sitting in a tree. 7 more join them. How many birds are sitting in all? 3 5 squirrels are looking for food. 4 more join them. How many squirrels are there in all? 4 There is I turtle on the beach. 5 more walk up. How many turtles are there in oil? 5 2 turtles swim in the water. 6 more join them. How many turtles are swimming in ail?
Question 2.
3 birds are sitting in a tree. 7 more join them.I used counters to show the addition 3+7=10.
Question 3.
5 squirrels are looking for food. 4 more join them.I used counters to show the addition 5+4=9.
Question 4.
There is I turtle on the beach. 5 more walk up. How many turtles are there in oil.I used counters to show the addition 1+5=6.
Question 5.
2 turtles swim in the water. 6 more join them.I used counters to show the addition 2+6=8.Therefore 8 turtles are swimming in the water in all.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to the story, use counters to show the addition, draw a picture, and then write an equation to tell how many in all. 6 4 girls play at the beach. H boys join them. How many children are there in all? 7 8 children rest on the sand. 1 girl joins them. How many children are there in all? 8 2 boys play in the waTer. 5 girls join them. How many children are there in ail? 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, draw counters to complete the picture, and write an equation. 7 children build a sand castle. Some more help them. There are 10 children building in all. How many more come to help them?
Question 6.
Question 7.
8 children rest on the sand. 1 girl joins them.I used counters to show the addition 8+1=9. Therefore, there are 9 children in all.
Question 8.
2 boys play in the water. 5 girls join them.I used counters to show the addition 2+5=7.Therefore, there are 7 children in all.
Question 9.
7 children build a sand castle. Some more help them. There are 10 children building in all.
I used counters to show the addition 7+3=10
Therefore 3 children were helping 7 children to make sand castle.
Lesson 6.6 Solve Addition Word Problems: Put Together
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Daniel’s teacher is making name tags for her students. She makes 3 name tags for boys. She makes 2 more for girls. Now she has 5 name tags. How does Daniel’s teacher know that she has made 5 name togs? Explain and then show how you know.
I can… use equations to represent and explain addition.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students listen to the story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write on equation. Then have them explain their work. Daniel puts 2 red crayons and 4 blue crayons on the table. Now there are 6 crayons in all. How can Daniel tell there are 6 crayons?
Question 1.
Daniel puts 2 red crayons and 4 blue crayons on the table.I drew a picture and wrote an equaion 2+4=6 to show how may in all.
Directions Have students listen to each story, use counters to show the addition, look at or draw a picture, and then write on equation to tell how many in all. Then have them explain their work. 2 Jorge puts 4 blue paint jars and 3 red paint jars in the art room. How many paint jars are there in all? 3 Maya has 3 green croyons and 2 orange crayons. How many crayons are there in all? 4 Rex has 1 sheet of blue paper and 8 sheets of yellow paper. How many sheets of paper does he have in all? 5 Reagan has 4 green blocks and 4 yellow blocks. How many blocks does she have in all?
Question 2.
Jorge puts 4 blue paint jars and 3 red paint jars in the art room.I used counters to show the addition and wrote an equation 4+3=7.Therefore, there are 7 paints jars in all.
Question 3.
Maya has 3 green crayons and 2 orange crayons.I used counters to show the addition and wrote an equation 3+2=5.Therefore, there are 5 crayons in all.
Question 4.
Rex has 1 sheet of blue paper and 8 sheets of yellow paper.I used counters to show the addition and wrote an equation 1+8=9.Therefore, there are 9 sheets in all.
Question 5.
Reagan has 4 green blocks and 4 yellow blocks.I used counters to show the addition and wrote an equation 4+4=8.Therefore, there are 8 blocks in all.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation. 6 Benny puts 5 bananas ¡n a bowl and q bananas on a plate. How many bananas does he have in all? 7 Kris eats 2 grapes at lunch and 6 grapes for her snack. How many grapes does she eat in all? 8 There are q girls and 2 boys on a train ride. How many children ride the train in all? 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story, circle the connecting cubes that show the story and tell why the other cubes do not show the story, and then write the number to tell how many in all. Say: Jimmy picks 5 raspberries. Then he picks 3 more. How many raspberries does he have in all?
Question 6.
Question 7.
Kris eats 2 grapes at lunch and 6 grapes for her snack.I drew a picture to show what is happening, and then wrote an equation 2+6=8.Therefore, Kris eat 8 grapes in all.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Jimmy picks 5 raspberries. Then he picks 3 more.I circled that groups of cubes which show the addition equation 5+3.The answer is 8.
Lesson 6.7 Use Patterns to Develop Fluency in Addition
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Use blue and red cubes to make stacks of 3 cubes. How many different ways can you make a stack of 3 cubes? Write equations to describe your stacks. Use a blue crayon to tell how many blue cubes and a red crayon to tell how many red cubes.
I can ……… use patterns to add numbers together
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students color a way to make 4, and then write an equation to match the boxes.
Question 1.
I colored a way to make 4 using red and blue colors, and then wrote an equation 4+0=4 to match the boxes.
Directions 2 – 5 Have students color the boxes to complete the pattern of ways to make 4 started on the previous page, and then write an equation to match the boxes.
Question 2.
I colored a way to make 4 using red and blue colors, and then wrote an equation 3+1=4 to match the boxes.
Question 3.
I colored a way to make 4 using red and blue colors, and then wrote an equation 2+2=4 to match the boxes.
Question 4.
I colored a way to make 4 using red and blue color, and then wrote an equation 1+3=4 to match the boxes.
Question 5.
I colored a way to make 4 using red and blue color, and then wrote an equation 0+4=4 to match the boxes.
Independent Practice
Directions 6 and 7 Have students complete the pair of equations to show a pattern, 8 Higher Order Thinking Have students write a pair of equations that both equal 5 in a pattern. 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students listen to the story: 1 + 2 = 3, and 10 + 20 = 30. What does 100 + 200 equal? Have them write the number.
Question 6.
The missing numbers in the patterns shown above are 3 and 1.
The equations are 1+3=4 and 3+1=4.
Question 7.
The missing number in the patterns is 3.
The equations are 2+3=5 and 3+2=5.
Question 8.
To make 5 we can group 1 and 4 in 2 ways.
The equations are 1+4=5 and 4+1=5.
Question 9.
I wrote the sum based on the pattern given.
The sum of 100 and 200 is 300.
Lesson 6.8 Problem Solving
Model with Math
Directions Say: Daniel sees a group of 3 fluffy, white clouds in the sky. Marta aes 1 gray cloud. How many clouds do they see in all? Draw a picture to show that is happening, and then write an equation to tell how many clouds in all. Explain how you know.
I can ……… model adding different numbers together by drawing, k counting, or writing equations.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students listen to the story, and then draw a picture to model what is happening. Then have them write an equation and explain their answer. Daniel sees 2 fish in one bowl and 2 fish in another bowl. How many fish does he see in all?
Question 1.
Daniel sees 2 fish in one bowl and 2 fish in another bowl
I drew a picture to model what is happening. Then wrote an equation 2+2=4
Therefore, there are 4 fishes in all.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to each story, and then draw a picture to model what is happening. Then have them write an equation and explain their answer. 2 Julie sees 5 stones in one pail and 3 stones in another pail. How many stones does she see in all? 3 A hen laid 2 eggs one day and 3 eggs the next day. How many eggs did she lay in all? 4 Mario threw a baseball 5 times in one inning and 2 times in the next inning. How many times did she throw the baseball in oil? 5 Zak scored 2 goals during a soccer game, and then he scored y more goals during another soccer game. How many goals did he score ¡n all?
Question 2.
Julie sees 5 stones in one pail and 3 stones in another pail
I drew a picture to model what is happening. Then wrote an equation 5+3=8
Therefore, there are 8 stones in all.
Question 3.
A hen laid 2 eggs one day and 3 eggs the next day
I drew a picture to model what is happening. Then wrote an equation 2+3=5
Therefore, the hen laid 5 eggs in all.
Question 4.
Mario threw a baseball 5 times in one inning and 2 times in the next inning
I drew a picture to model what is happening. Then wrote an equation 5+2=7
Therefore, Mario threw a baseball 7 times in all.
Question 5.
Problem Solving
Performance Task
Directions Read the problem aloud. Then have students use multiple problem-solving methods to solve the problem. Say: There are 2 rabbits in a hole. The same number of rabbits come in to join them. How many rabbits are there in all? 6 Reasoning What can you answer? How many rabbits join the group? 7 Explain Emily says that the answer is 3 rabbits. Is she right or wrong? Explain how you know. 8 Model Use cubes, draw pictures, or use numbers to show how many rabbits in alL Then write the equation.
6) If there are 2 rabbits in a hole and the same number of rabbits come in to join them then there are 4 rabiits in all now.
7) Emily’s answer is wrong as if 2 rabbits are there are 2 joined then then the answer will be 4.
8) I used cubes to model the addition equation 2+2=4.
I completed the missing equations 2+1=3 and 1+2=3.
Topic 6 Vocabulary Review
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 1 write the plus sign to show addition; 2 write the equal sign, and then complete the equation; 3 listen to the story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation to match the story. Max has 5 yellow cups and 5 orange cups. How many cups does he have in all?
Question 1.
To show the addition the wrote the plus sign(+).
Question 2.
I wrote the equal sign and the sum of the equation 7 in the blank.
Question 3.
Max has 5 yellow cups and 5 orange cups
I drew pictures to show the equation 5+5=10
Therefore, Max has 10 cups in all.
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 4 add the groups to find the sum, and then write an equation to show the addition; 5 listen to the story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation. Have them draw a circle around the sum. Bailey sees 3 apples in the tree. Then she sees 5 more. How many apples does she see in all?
Question 4.
I added the groups to find the sum, and then wrote an equation 8+2=10 to show the addition.
Question 5.
Bailey sees 3 apples in the tree. Then she sees 5 more.
I drew pictures to show what is happening.
I completed the equation 3+5=8 and therefore Bailey saw 8 apples in all.
Topic 6 Reteaching
Directions Have students: 1 listen to the story, color the number of each part, and then write the number to tell how many in all. Margo has 0 red crayons. She has H blue crayons. How many crayons does she have in all? 2 add to the first group of instruments, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all.
Set A
Question 1.
Margo has 0 red crayons. She has 4 blue crayons, i colored number 4 crayons blue, and then write the number 4 to tell how many in all.
Set B
Question 2.
I added the first group of instruments and wrote the addition sentence 3 and 1 is 4.There are 4 instruments in all.
Directions Have students: 3 draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many vegetables in all; 4 count the instruments in each group, and then write the numbers and the plus sign to show addition.
Set C
Question 3.
I drew a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an addition sentence 4 and 5 is 9.
Therefore, there are 9 vegetables in all.
Set D
Question 4.
I counted the instruments in each group, and then wrote the numbers 2 and 4 and the plus sign to show addition 2+4.
Directions Have students: 5 listen to the story, use counters to show the addition, draw a circle around the groups to put them together, and then write an equation to match the story. Marta picks 3 vegetables. Then she picks 3 more vegetables. How many vegetables does she have in all? 6 listen to the story, use counters to show the addition, draw a picture, and then write an equation to tell how many in all. Mark has 3 flowers. He picks 2 more flowers. How many flowers does he have in all?
Set E
Question 5.
Marta picks 3 vegetables. Then she picks 3 more vegetables
I used counters to show the addition, drew a circle around the groups to put them together, and then wrote an equation 3+3=6 to match with the picture.
Therefore, there are 6 vegetables in all.
Set F
Question 6.
Mark has 3 flowers. He picks 2 more flowers.I drew counters to show the addition.
I wrote the equation 3+2=5.
Therefore, there are 5 flowers with Mark.
Directions Have students: 7 listen to each story, draw a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation. Karina puts 4 red balls and 4 purple balls into the toy bin. How many balls are there in all? 8 color a way to make 6, and then write an equation to match the boxes.
Set G
Question 7.
Karina puts 4 red balls and 4 purple balls into the toy bin.I drew a picture to show what is happening, and then write an equation 4+4=8.Therefore, Karina puts 8 balls in toy bin.
Set H
Question 8.
I colored the boxes using purple and blue colors a way to make 6, and then wrote an equation 3+3=6 to match the boxes.
Topic 6 Assessment Practice
Directions Have students mark the best answer. 1 Jen puts 2 teddy bears on her bed. Then she puts 2 more teddy bears on her bed. Which tells how many teddy bears she puts on her bed in all? 2 Hayden sees I scarecrow, and then he sees 3 more. Which number sentence tells how many scarecrows Hayden sees in all? 3 Have students look at the picture and find the sentence that tells about adding the groups of tambourines. Say: How many tambourines are added to the first group of tambourines to find how many in all? 4 Which addition expression tells about the picture?
Question 1.
Jen puts 2 teddy bears on her bed. Then she puts 2 more teddy bears on her bed.I marked option C- 4 in all 2+2=4 to show the number of teddy’s jen puts on her bed.
Question 2.
Hayden sees I scarecrow, and then he sees 3 more.I marked D- 1 and 3 is 4, 1+3=4 to show the number of scarecrows in all.
Question 3.
A. 2 and 2 is 4
B. 2 and 6 is 8
C. 2 and 4 is 6
D. 2 and 5 is 7
C. 2 and 4 is 6
The sentence that tells about adding the groups of tambourines 2 and 4 is 6.
4 tambourines are added to the first group of 2 tambourines to show that there are 6 tambourines in all.
Question 4.
A. 3 + 4
B. 3 + 1
C. 4 + 0
D. 4 + 1
D. 4+1=5
The addition expression 4+1=5 shows the picture.
Directions 5 Have students listen to the story, and then do all of the following to show each part to find how many in all: clap and knock, hold up fingers, and give an explanation of a mental image. Ask them to color the number of each part, and then write the number to tell how many in all. Ming buys 4 yellow erasers. She buys 1 purple eraser. How many erasers does she buy in all? 6 Have students draw two groups of carrots to show 8 in all, and then write a number sentence to match the drawing. 7 Have students draw the number of cubes needed to make 6 cubes in all, and then complete the number sentence. 8 Have students listen to the story, use counters to model putting together the groups, draw the counters to show what is happening, and then write an equation for the story. There are 6 brown bunnies in a garden and 3 white bunnies in the garden. How many bunnies are there in all?
Question 5.
Ming buys 4 yellow erasers. She buys 1 purple eraser
I colored 4 erasers yellow and 1 eraser purple, there are 5 erasers in all.
Question 6.
I drew two groups of 5 carrots and 3 carrots each to show 8 in all, and then write a number sentence 5 and 3 is 8 to match the drawing
Therefore, there are 8 carrots in all.
Question 7.
I drew the 3 cubes to make 6 cubes in all, and then complete the number sentence 3 and 3 is 6.
Question 8.
There are 6 brown bunnies in a garden and 3 white bunnies in the garden
I drew counters to show the number of bunnies in the garden, the addition sentence is 6+3=9
Therefore, there are 9 bunnies in the garden in all.
Directions Have students: 9 look at the number card, and then draw a circle to put together the groups that show how many in all; 10 match each picture with the equation that shows the correct parts and how many in all.
Question 9.
I drew a circle to put together the groups that show how many in all.There are 5 ants and 3 ants in two groups which together make 8.
Question 10.
I matched each picture with the equation that shows the correct parts.
Directions 11 Have students color the boxes to complete a pattern showing different ways to make 5. and then write on an equation to match each group or 5 boxes.
Question 11.
I colored the boxes using blue and purple colors to complete a pattern showing different ways to make 5. and then wrote equations to match each group or 5 boxes.
4+1=5, 3+2=5, 2+3=5, 1+4=5 are the equations that match with the patterns.
Topic 6 Performance Task
Directions Music Time Say: Students play many different instruments in music class, 1 Say: How many horns are there? Have students count to find the number of horns, and then write an addition sentence to tell how many in all. 2 Have students add one group of horns to the other group of horns, and then write an equation to find the sum.
Question 1.
The addition sentences to show number of horns is 2 and 4 is 6.
Question 2.
The equation that show the number of horns is 2+4=6.
Directions 3 Say: The music teacher puts 3 flutes on the shelves. Have students color the boxes to complete a pattern to show the different ways she could put the flutes on the shelves. 4 Say: The bells on the shelves show one way to make 4. Have students write an equation to show the way, and then use the same numbers to make 4 another way. 5 Say: 6 drums are on the shelf. Then Luisa puts more drums on the shelf. Now there are 8 drums on the shelf. How many drums did Luisa put on the shelf? Have students draw counters to show what is happening, and then complete the equation.
Question 3.
I wrote an equation to show the way, and then use the same numbers to make 4 another ways, they are 3+0=3, 2+1=3, 1+2=3 and 0+3=3.
Question 4.
I wrote 2 different patterns with the numbers,1 and 3 they are 1+3=4 and 3+1=4.
Question 5
6 drums are on the shelf. Then Luisa puts more drums on the shelf. Now there are 8 drums on the shelf.
I drew 6 and 2 counters to show what is happening, and then completed the equation 6+2=8.