Envision Math 2nd Grade Textbook Answer Key Topic 1.2 Stories About Joining
Stories About Joining
Question 1.
Question 2.
Home Connection Your child used connecting cubes to model addition stories. Your child then wrote a number sentence for the story.
Home Activity Give your child two groups of different colored items, such as beads and pasta. Ask your child to find the sum. Invite your child to make up a story about the items and say the corresponding addition sentence.
AF 1.0 Students model, represent, and interpret number relationships to create and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Also AF 1.2, AF 1.3.
Guided Practice
Draw a picture to find the sum. Then write an addition sentence.
Question 1.
There are 5 frogs in a pond. 4 more frogs join them. How many frogs are there in all?
Question 2.
Jack sees 7 ladybugs. He sees 3 more. How many ladybugs does Jack see in all?
__ + __ = ___
__ ladybugs
Do you understand? How do you find the sum in a joining story?
Independent Practice
Draw a picture to find the sum. Then write an addition sentence.
Question 3.
Ben found 6 flowers. Then he found 4 more. How many flowers did he find in all?
__ + ___ = __
__ flowers
Question 4.
Sara drew 8 stars. Then she drew 7 more. How many stars did Sara draw in all?
__ + __ = ___
__ stars
Problem Solving
Draw a picture to find the sum. Then write an addition sentence.
Question 5.
Josh sees 4 clouds. Then he sees 7 more clouds. How many clouds does he see now?
__ clouds
__ + ___ = ___
Question 6.
3 birds are singing outside. 5 more birds begin to sing. 1 bee begins to buzz. How many birds are singing altogether?
Question 7.
Journal Write a joining story about the ladybugs. Use pictures, numbers, or words.